Research and Markets: The Precast Concrete Products Market: A UK Market Overview for 2013 to 2017

Views: 11     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2017-09-28      Origin: Site

The 2nd edition of the report "Precast Concrete Building Products Market-UK 2013-2017" Incorporates original input and primary research. The report represents an up to date and informed review of all sectors within the precast concrete building products market.

In recenet years, the overall market for precast building products has been adversely affected by factors such as loss of share to competing products in certain sectors and depressed levels of activity in key markets. However, longer term market prospects appear more encouraging owing largely to product innovation, with particular respect to modern methods of construction, with the precast products industry very much at the forefront of this growing market.

The construction industry's druce riwards sysraubavke decelopment should also benefit the precast sector, due to the high levels of recycled materials used in some products, and precast concrete's high thermal and acoustic insulation properties.

Market Overview:

The overall market for precast concrete products in 2008 is estimated at around 2.1 billon, although this figure includes sales from products outside the scope of this report.

This report identifies and quantifies specific products within the broad categories of precast concrete production and includes dense, lightweight and areated concrete blocks, precast concrete tiles (excluding flagstones), precast cladding and structural products for residential, commercial and industrial buildings and precast concrete for building or civil engineering.

Overall non-domestic output is currently forecast to decline by around 11% between 2008-10, though this figure reflects major variations in sector performance. In the medium-term, total non-domestic output is expected to begin a modest recovery in 2011, with moderate annual rates of growth currently forecast to 2017. 

The key sectors chich are likely to experience significant decline are offices, industrial and retail, though these will be partially offset by anticipated growth in education, infrastructure and health-though these growth' sectors are dependent on funding streams from Government and PFI sources being maintained. The Olympic Games development programme offers some light in the current gloom for precast concrete products such as cladding, flooring etc.

Key Features:
UK Precast Concrete Building Products Market-size, recent trends and key influences, forecasts and future trends.

Analysis by Market Sector- Blocks, roof tiles, cladding&structural influences, product mix within each sector, mix by application area.

Market Structure-review of market structure, breakdown of market sectors with major players, company profiles, anticipated future developments.

End Use Application Areas-analysis of major end use sectors for precast concrete building products-housebuilding, healthcare, education etc-key growth areas, potential opportunities. 

Report Highlights:
Forecasts of prospects in 2013/10 and in longer term to 2017.

Significant variations in performance between product sectors.

Precast concrete at forefront of Modern Methods of Construction.

MMC&multi-storey flats construction impacting on demand for blocks&roof tiles
Review of structural products-flooring, panel systems (cross-wall, basements), bathroom pods, structural frames etc.).

Key Topics Covered:
Summary&Future Prospects

Economic Environment

Key Influences On The Market

Public And Private New Build Housing

House Types

Contractors Output- Repair And Maintenance

Contractors New Orders

Sector Expenditure

Market Overview

Precast Concrete Blocks

Market Size And Trends

Market Shares

Product Mix

Market By Application By Block Type

International Trade

Concrete Roof Tiles

Precast Concrete Cladding

Precast Concrete Structural And Pipes

Industry Structure&Key Suppliers

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